Education in Belarus
For your convenience, our company has developed a universal questionnaire, by completing which you get the opportunity to enter universities and colleges of the Republic of Belarus, and we in turn receive all the necessary information about you. After filling out the questionnaire, our manager will contact you, if you want to clarify your questions before filling out the questionnaire, go down to the bottom of the page and contact us by phone number in WhatsApp
The cost of tuition at universities and colleges is constantly changing and also depends on the city in which the institution is located. The average price for a year of study can range from $2,000 to $4,000.
The average cost for which students fly to the Republic of Belarus is: $3500 (excluding the cost of the plane ticket). This price includes tuition fees for the preparatory faculty (or Russian language courses), invitation fees, visa fees, medical insurance, medical examination, 6 months' hostel fees and our agency fees.
*You must present cash at the airport of the Republic of Belarus. So that the consul can make sure that you have cash to pay for your studies and visa. If you do not have cash, unfortunately you will have to be sent back to your country. Be sure to change $200 of large money ($50, $100) into smaller notes ($1, $5, $10, $20) to pay for your entry visa.